Fortunately, the supermarket was within the two-mile radius that my mother’s anxiety disorder would allow her to drive.Īndy was a tall, lean blonde with soulful, blue eyes and a runner’s body. “I’m sure my mom can give us a ride,” I answered. “Should we run to the grocery store after school to get the food?” Andy whispered towards the end of our class period.
A good-natured dingbat, she was easily convinced by our honors Spanish class to shelve the conjugation textbooks in favor of a daytime fiesta. “I can grab the salsa,” Andy Webber offered, equally as averse to following the lesson plan. I always made sure there were enough crispy triangles to keep the class snacking for its entire 55 minutes otherwise, we might have actually had to learn a foreign language. “¿Quién va a llevar la tortilla chips?” Ms. What Spanish Cultural Day at Forest Hill High School meant to the student body was nothing more than Cool Ranch Doritos and a jar of tomato dip.
(The following is an excerpt from Porn Again: A Memoir, by former Hollywood e xecutive Josh Sabarra, pictured left.